Dr. Christoph G. Schuetz

Hey there! That guy in the picture, with the green t-shirt, that's me: My name is Christoph, and I'm associate professor of business informatics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. You may now ask: Where's Linz? And what's business informatics anyway? Well, the first one's easy: Linz is a city by the Danube in Upper Austria. The second one takes a little bit more time to explain but you may think of business informatics as a kind of applied computer science with a hint of social sciences.
Personally, I'm more on the computer-science side of the discipline. You know, building systems, mainly in the areas of business intelligence and analytics, but also business process modeling and management. Still, I'm also doing research on the social and organizational aspects of computing: investigating people's attitudes towards security and privacy as well as looking at the pracitical and theoretical lessons that can be learned from business intelligence and analytics projects. I've also looked at companies' social media strategies from a game theory perspective.
During my time at the Institute of Business Informatics – Data & Knowledge Engineering – that's my group at university, which I'm currently deputy head of – I've been involved in multiple collaborative research projects together with various industry partners, such as Frequentis AG, solvistas GmbH, or smartbow GmbH. Some of my master's students have been working for such companies as ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH as part of their thesis work. I've also had (and in some cases still have) research collaborations with the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (on Knowledge Graph OLAP), the University of Massachusetts Boston, the University of Konstanz, and Portland State University but also NASA's Intelligent Systems Division (on ontologies in air traffic management [1, 2]). Should you be interested in a research collaboration, whether as an industry or academic partner, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you are a student and interested in a master's thesis, possibly together with a company, you're also more than welcome to just send me an e-mail.
We have also recently introduced a new specialization – AI in Business – in the master's program on business informatics, which I'm the point of contact for. Thus, for further information, feel free to contact me.
2021- | Associate Professor at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz at the Institute of Business Informatics - Data & Knowledge Engineering (WIN-DKE) |
2015-2021 | Post-doctoral researcher / Assistant Professor at JKU Linz / WIN-DKE |
2010-2015 | Doctoral program in Social and Economic Sciences / Business Informatics at JKU Linz Thesis: Multilevel Business Processes - Modeling and Data Analysis, Springer Vieweg 2015. |
2014 | Visiting researcher on a Marietta Blau Grant at University of Konstanz, Germany, with Prof. Marc H. Scholl's group |
2012 | Visiting researcher on Marshall Plan Scholarship at Portland State University, OR, USA, with Prof. Lois M. L. Delcambre's group |
2005-2010 | Diploma program in Business Informatics at JKU Linz Thesis: Extending data warehouses with hetero-homogeneous dimension hierarchies and cubes - A proof-of concept prototype in Oracle This thesis won the TDWI Award 2011 for Diploma and Master's Thesis awarded by The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) Europe as the best thesis in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on business intelligence. |
2007/2008 | Exchange student on ERASMUS scholarship at Université Paris-Dauphine |
Internships at Oracle Austria and SAP Research CEC Karlsruhe.
2024-2026 | Key Researcher and Participant Contact | AWARE: Achieving Human-Machine Collaboration with Artificial Situational Awareness Joint project with University of Zagreb, Tern Systems, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, LFV, and UkSATSE. Funding by SESAR Joint Undertaking / EU Horizon Europe |
2023-2026 | Key Researcher and Participant Contact | HARMONIC: HARMONIsed network through smart technology and Collaboration Joint project with Frequentis AG, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, EUROCONTROL Swiss International Air Lines, Skyguide, and Flughafen Zürich AG, among others. Funding by SESAR Joint Undertaking / EU Horizon Europe |
2020-2022 | WP Leader and Participant Contact | SlotMachine: A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Slot Management Joint project with Frequentis AG, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, EUROCONTROL, and Swiss International Air Lines Funding by SESAR Joint Undertaking / EU Horizon 2020 |
2020-2022 | Key Researcher | AISA: AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation Joint project with University of Zagreb, TU Braunschweig, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, and Skyguide Funding by SESAR Joint Undertaking / EU Horizon 2020 |
2020-2022 | Project Leader | eTutor++: An adaptive e-learning system with personalized exercising tailored to students’ individual learning curves Funding by JKU Business School |
2016-2018 | WP Leader | BEST: Achieving the Benefits of SWIM by Making Smart Use of Semantic Technologies Joint project with Frequentis AG, SINTEF, and EUROCONTROL Funding by SESAR Joint Undertaking / EU Horizon 2020 |
2015-2018 | Key Researcher | AgriProKnow: Process-Related Information Management for Precision Dairy Farming Joint project with Smartbow GmbH, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Josephinum Research, JKU Linz - Institute of Stochastics, Wasserbauer GmbH Funding by Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) in program "Production of the Future" |
2013/2014 | Senior Researcher | Customization of Domain-Specific Reference Models for Data Warehouses Joint project with BI Business Intelligence Accelerator GmbH Funding by Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) under an Innovation Check |
2011-2014 | Junior Researcher | SemCockpit: An Ontology-Driven, Interactive Business Intelligence Tool for Comparative Data Analysis Joint project with solvistas GmbH Funding by Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) |
It's probably best if you just have a look at my dblp or Google Scholar profile.
My dblp profile doesn't list my various contributions published in aeronautical journals and proceedings of aeronautical conferences.
I have recently completed a cumulative habilitation† thesis (review procedure in progress) about "Conceptualizing Analytics", which consists of the following publications:
- Christoph G. Schuetz, Bernd Neumayr, Michael Schrefl, and Thomas Neuböck. Reference Modeling for Data Analysis: The BIRD Approach. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2016.
- Christoph G. Schuetz, Simon Schausberger, and Michael Schrefl. Building an Active Semantic Data Warehouse for Precision Dairy Farming. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 122-141, 2018.
- Christoph G. Schuetz, Loris Bozzato, Bernd Neumayr, Michael Schrefl, and Luciano Serafini. Knowledge Graph OLAP: A Multidimensional Model and Query Operations for Contextualized Knowledge Graphs. Semantic Web, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 649-683, 2021.
- Christoph G. Schuetz, Bernd Neumayr, Michael Schrefl, Eduard Gringinger, and Scott Wilson. Semantics-Based Summarisation of ATM Information: Managing Information Overload in Pilot Briefings Using Semantic Data Containers. The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 123, No. 1268, pp. 1639-1665, 2019.
- Lan Wang, Christoph G. Schuetz, and Dahai Cai. Choosing Response Strategies in Social Media Crisis Communication: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective. Information & Management. Vol. 58, No. 6, 2021.
† "What is a habilitation?", you may ask. The habilitation, or venia docendi, confers to its holder a "right to teach" in a specific academic discipline, which comes with the right to supervise master's and doctoral theses. Part of the habilitation procedure is the composition of a habilitation thesis, which can be a collection of papers with a common, overarching theme -- a cumulative habilitation thesis ("Kumulative Habilitationsschrift"). The cumulative habilitation thesis that I handed in is a collection of papers relating to conceptualizing analytics, i.e., leveraging (conceptual) models, in a broad sense, for data-driven decision making; the academic discipline, in my case, is business informatics.
- Lecture and Tutorial on Data Mining
- Lecture and Tutorial on Data Warehousing
- Project Seminar on Special Topics in Business Informatics - Theory and Practice (incl. Bachelor's Thesis)
- Tutorial on Data & Knowledge Engineering
- Tutorial on Data Modeling
- Lab on Data & Knowledge Engineering
- Course on Data Engineering in the MBA program on Applied Knowledge Management at JKU Linz.
I've also assisted the supervision of multiple master's theses and bachelor's projects as well as doctoral theses. My primary goal is to supervise thesis projects with practical relevance and involve my students in research work.
The results of several of my students' bachelor's/master's theses were presented at international conferences:
- Privacy-Preserving Implementation of Local Search Algorithms for Collaboratively Solving Assignment Problems in Time-Critical Contexts. CEC 2023.
- Privacy-Preserving Implementation of an Auction Mechanism for ATFM Slot Swapping. ICNS 2023.
- A Proof-of-Concept Implementation of a Semantic Container Management System for Air Traffic Management. EKAW (Posters & Demos) 2018
- PESTEL Modeler: Strategy Analysis Using MetaEdit+, iStar 2.0, and Semantic Technologies. EDOC Workshops 2018
- A Case Study of Success Factors for Data Warehouse Implementation and Adoption in Sales Planning. AMCIS 2017
- Design, Management, and Customization of Data Analysis Reference Models Using Indyco Builder and XQuery. EDOC Workshops 2016
- An OLAP Client for Hetero-Homogeneous Data Warehouses. EDOC Workshops 2015
- Incremental integration of data warehouses: the hetero-homogeneous approach. DOLAP 2011
Other students that I've helped supervise, in the course of their thesis, worked on projects at companies such as Frequentis, ENGEL Austria, and voestalpine, among others.
Over the years, I've given a number of presentations and invited talks (apart from the usual paper presentations at conferences), which are listed here.
Technology Transformation in Air Traffic Management
Presentation at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi on 27 March, 2023, Delhi, India.
The Role of Knowledge Graphs in (Big) Data Analytics: Past, Present, and Future
Keynote presentation at the Workshop on Knowledge Graph Analysis on a Large Scale (K-GALS), collocated with the 26th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2022) on 5 September 2022, Turin, Italy.
SlotMachine: A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Air Traffic Flow Management Slots
Presentation at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the University of Konstanz on 16 March 2022 in Konstanz, Germany.
OLAP Patterns: Elements of Reusable Data Analysis
Presentation at the School of Computer Science of the University of Auckland on 31 October, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
Conceptualizing Analytics
Tutorial at the 37th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2018) on 23 October, 2018, in Xi’an, China.
Conceptualizing Analytics - A Conceptual-Modeling Perspective on Grasping Complex Information
Presentation at the College of Management of the University of Massachusetts Boston on 24 August 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Hetero-Homogeneous Business Processes
Presentation at the School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences of the University of South Australia on 2 October 2015 in Adelaide, Australia.
Multilevel Business Process Modeling
Presentation at the Global Information Systems Group of the ETH Zürich, 4 April 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Towards Ontology-valued Measures in OLAP Cubes: Extending the Semantic Cockpit with Non-numeric Measures
Presentation at the Department of Data & Knowledge Management (DKM) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 17 December 2013 in Trento, Italy.
Hetero-Homogeneous Business Modeling
Presentation at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the University of Konstanz on 15 July 2013 in Konstanz, Germany.
Business Model Ontologies in OLAP Cubes
Poster presentation at the Third European Business Intelligence Summer School (eBISS 2013), 8-9 July 2013 at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
Hetero-homogene Data Warehouses
Presentation of the diploma thesis on occasion of the award ceremony of the TDWI Award 2011 at the Eleventh European TDWI Conference with BARC@TDWI track, 7 June 2011 in Munich, Germany.
Workshop Organization
1st Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven Decision Making (CMAI 2020), co-located with the 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2020), November 3-6, 2020, Vienna, Austria
Journal Reviewer
Journal on Data Semantics (2016), World Wide Web Journal (2016), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2016), Software and Systems Modeling (2020), PLOS ONE (2020), Knowledge and Information Systems (2022), Information & Management (2023), Information Systems (2024)
Program Committee Member
9th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling, collocated with MODELS 2022, 23 October 2022, Montreal, Canada.
8th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling, collocated with MODELS 2021, 12 October 2021, Online.
3rd International Conference on Applied Informatics, 28-31 October 2020, Online.
2nd International Conference on Applied Informatics, 6-9 Nov 2019, Madrid, Spain.
1st International Conference on Applied Informatics, 1-3 November 2018, Bogota, Colombia
25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 11-15 April 2016, Montreal, Canada
Poster Track
14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 11-15 October 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
Posters and Demos Track
13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 19-23 October 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy
Posters and Demos Track
Grant Proposals
WTZ Program - Scientific & Technological Cooperation (2024)
OeAD, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
4th EU-LAC Joint Call in STI (2022)
OeAD, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
WTZ Program - Scientific & Technological Cooperation (2017)
OeAD, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
Marietta Blau Grant (2015)
OeAD, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
Conference Reviewer and Additional Reviewer
28th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 10-14 August, 2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
30th European Conference on Information Systems, Timișoara, Romania, 18-24 June, 2022.
27th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-13 August 2021, Online.
23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 8-12 July, 2019, Xi’an, China.
Track: Social Media and Business Impact.
23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 10-12 August 2017, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support Track
WI 2017, 12-15 February 2017
Track 3 - Enterprise Architecture Management and Business Process Management
22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 11-13 August 2016, San Diego, California, USA
Systems Analysis and Design Track
IT Project Management Track
27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 8-12 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling, 27-30 January 2015, Sydney, Australia
26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 16-20 June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling, 20-23 January 2014, Auckland, New Zealand
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-12 August 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA
Systems Analysis and Design Track
2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 5-6 September 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia
It's typically best to contact me by e-mail. But, if you must, you can also reach me by snail mail or telephone:
Christoph Schütz
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Data & Knowledge Engineering
Altenberger Str. 69
4040 Linz
Austria (Europe)
Phone +43 732 2468 4277